With a new story for the games, some time has passed since the original conflict in Black and White. Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2 expand on their predecessors in quite a few ways. From here, players could rotate which Pokemon was at the center of the rotation opening them up to damage but also allowing the Pokemon to attack for that turn. Rotation Battles also included three Pokemon on each side of the field. Certain moves had different effects and could hit Pokemon on the field depending on their position. Triple Battles were introduced and had each trainer send out three Pokemon. Gen 5 also includes new types of Pokemon Battles.The forest is also home to 33 exclusive Pokemon not found in Pokemon Black. White Forest can also have a certain number of occupants with its minimum being 0 NPCs and a maximum of 10 NPCs. Pokemon White replaces Black City with White Forest.When characters leave, more can be invited from White Forest through the Entralink. This urban area has a changing population with a minimum of 12 NPCs and a maximum of 45. Pokemon Black includes the location Black City.Gen 5 introduced the starters Tepig, Snivy, and Oshawott.Both games also feature Legendary Pokemon with Tornadus and Reshiram being exclusive to Pokemon Black, while Thundurus and Zekrom are exclusive to Pokemon White. The evolutionary lines for Gothita and Vullaby are found in Pokemon Black, while Solosis' and Rufflet’s are found in Pokemon White. The most notable of these are Pokemon first introduced in the Unova region. Pokemon Black and Pokemon White both contain version-exclusive Pokemon.